When ISB Ranger Ainsley Beaumont returns to her hometown of Natchez, Mississippi, to investigate the murder of a teenage girl, she doesn't suspect she'll become the murderer's next target. Can former a FBI sniper--and Ainsley's former flame--overcome his past mistakes on the job in order to protect her?
Titles in this Series:
Standoff ( Natchez Trace Park Rangers #1 )
Obsession ( Natchez Trace Park Rangers #2)
Crosshairs ( Natchez Trace Park Rangers #3)
Deception (Natchez Trace Park Rangers #4)
Titles in this Series:
Standoff ( Natchez Trace Park Rangers #1 )
Obsession ( Natchez Trace Park Rangers #2)
Crosshairs ( Natchez Trace Park Rangers #3)
Deception (Natchez Trace Park Rangers #4)