In January 2023, Johann Hari started to inject himself once a week with Ozempic, one of the new drugs that produces significant weight loss. Some predictions suggest that in a few years, a quarter of the U.S. population will be taking these drugs. To the drugs' defenders, here is a moment of liberation from a condition that massively increases your chances of diabetes, cancer, and an early death. Still, Hari was wildly conflicted. This led him to interview interview leading experts around the world on disturbing questions. He found that along with the drug's massive benefits come significant potential risks. These drugs are about to change our world, for better and for worse. Everybody needs to understand how they work--scientifically, emotionally, and culturally. Magic Pill is an essential guide to the revolution that has already begun, and which one leading expert argues will be as transformative as the invention of the smartphone. 320 pages hc